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Infographic : How loyal customers can turn SMEs into brands

Updated: Feb 20

Explore why customer loyalty is cruicial in the digital economy and learn how to assess as well as capitalize on it.

In achieving sustained success in business, the pivotal factor is customer loyalty. In the current global marketplace, customers have transitioned into digital-first consumers, with a multitude of suppliers readily accessible. The ability to secure a spot at the forefront of a customer's consideration during a purchase decision is immensely impactful, particularly for SMEs. The crucial element for attaining this position is fostering customer loyalty.

Make loyalty measurable

Today's online shopping landscape has reshaped communication, prompting more customers to engage directly with brands instead of utilizing third-party channels. Personalizing these interactions presents an opportunity to enhance the depth and appeal of customer relationships. Equipping your SME with the right tools allows you to leverage this connection, gaining valuable insights into existing customer loyalty. Consequently, you can develop targeted strategies to enhance loyalty based on the aspects most valued by your customers.

The Net Promoter Score (NPS)

When it comes to quantifying loyalty, the Net Promoter Score (NPS) plays a crucial role. Actionable data is essential for understanding customers and fostering loyalty. While the Customer Retention Rate (CRR) is commonly used, it may overlook the human factor – customer sentiments toward the brand and its products. The NPS, a brief survey asking customers about their likelihood to recommend the brand, provides a more comprehensive loyalty benchmark. Subtracting the percentage of "Detractors" from the percentage of "Promoters" yields a valuable metric.

Understanding your customers’ needs

However, the NPS alone may not fully unveil the origins of loyalty and how to enhance it. To address this, consider supplementing the survey with open-ended questions such as "how can we improve your experience?" By identifying customer priorities, you can tailor a loyalty strategy that aligns with genuine needs, avoiding unnecessary expenses on perks that may not resonate.

It's important to note that NPS scores vary across industries, emphasizing the need for context. Beyond benchmarking, understanding customer preferences is crucial. Categories such as satisfied customers, price-loyal customers, loyalty-programme customers, convenience customers, and brand-loyal customers can guide the development of targeted strategies.

Prioritizing customer experience

Moving beyond individual perks, building customer loyalty now involves personalized experiences and enhanced engagement. Offering loyalty programs, providing multi-channel support, diversifying engagement channels, demonstrating generosity, and evolving business practices over time are key loyalty builders. The overarching strategy, universally appealing to customers, is to prioritize customer experience, acknowledging its significance in parallel with the product itself.

Customer experience, encompassing the entire journey from initial contact to post-sales, influences customer loyalty significantly. A positive experience, coupled with reliable support and acknowledgment of customer feedback, builds a two-way connection. As 67% of customers have switched vendors for a better experience, businesses must recognize the importance of customer-centric practices.

Creating outstanding customer experience

Building enduring customer loyalty hinges on prioritizing the customer. Utilizing the NPS and a data-driven approach to identify and address customer needs in a tailored and value-focused manner allows SMEs to forge lasting relationships, reduce costs, drive sales, and amplify their brand. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of businesses to ensure outstanding customer experiences that inspire loyalty and advocacy. Start growing your small business and fostering lifelong customer relationships on a unified platform. Get started now.

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