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Infographic : Boost Sales Efficiency

Updated: Nov 21, 2023

More than 7,700 sales professionals on driving productivity reveals that selling is harder now than before the pandemic.

Sales professionals find themselves in a challenging environment, tasked with delivering more with fewer resources. Challenges like supply chain issues, inflation, and evolving regulations contribute to the complexity of their roles. A staggering 82% of sales reps have had to swiftly adapt to new selling methods, with 69% acknowledging that their job has become more challenging post-pandemic.

Adding to the difficulties is the shrinking time available for actual selling. According to the latest State of Sales report, the average representative spends a mere 28% of their time engaged in selling activities. The remaining time is consumed by administrative tasks, data entry, and lead prioritization, among other responsibilities. This time crunch can result in a rushed sales process and less time to meet quota expectations.

Recent events have fundamentally altered customer expectations regarding company behavior and interactions with sales representatives. The State of the Connected Customer report highlights that 57% of customers prefer engaging with businesses through digital channels, a preference even more pronounced among younger demographics. Moreover, customers tend to diversify their communication channels, with the average customer utilizing nine different channels when interacting with companies. This shift emphasizes the need for sales teams to adapt to evolving customer preferences and embrace a multi-channel approach to communication.

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