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Why CRM ?

Updated: Oct 24, 2023

Customer is the blood of your business vessel. Without blood, your vessel will dry out. If your business vessel would be a vault, without customers, your business will fail. In business, it is vital that we cultivate and foster relationship with your own customers as it defines the success or failure of the fate of the business per se. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain your customer relationship, where CRM is designed for.


In short, a CRM system is a collective term for ideas, practices, and strategies that help a company build strong relationship with its customers. Also, a software that aids businesses achieve this objective.

It is a software that lets a business hold every interaction from every lead of every customer with every deal under a roof, as well as letting business owners to generate reports, automate activities and readily available to be shared across multiple devices.


A CRM software brings all this information into one cohesive unit. The customer’s complete history with your business exists alongside with a list of deals, emails, website activity, appointments and etc.

As a matter of fact, you can get real-time notifications when your customers perform a significant activity — like when they visit your pricing page or click on a link in your email.

CRM is therefore the one-stop-shop for your sales and marketing teams. It can also be your gateway to increase productivity, personalized campaigns, healthier pipelines, and better coordination between the teams. But at its core, the Customer Relationship Management system helps you build lasting relationships with your customers.


Your salespeople and marketing folks work hard to keep leads flowing in your pipeline. And as your prospects pass through different stages of the buying process, they hear from different teams in your business.

This means all the information about them is strewn across multiple teams’ desks.

  • Call software contains call logs

  • Marketing tools track nurture journeys and campaign performances

  • Spreadsheets contain pipeline data

  • Interactions with prospects and customers reside in multiple inboxes

  • Sticky notes have crucial information scribbled on them

As your marketing teams have half the customer knowledge, your sales team knows only the rest. This misalignment and fragmented data leads to a disconnected yet gapped customer experience over time. And to know a quick update on a deal or a prospect, your teams will have to thread through multiple sources.

Gradually, your teams are in disagreement as neither have the complete picture, the customer experience is broken since business owners do not have all the required data to know the progress of the business to make right decisions.


Software on the server/cloud

CRM software was initially hosted on physical servers. But, by 2017, 87% of the business moved to cloud CRMs. With cloud CRM, business owners can buy the software on a subscription, customize it, and needless worry about the costs of server management. According to a Gartner study, 75% of total spend on customer relationship management (CRM) software was on Cloud CRMs, continuing the rapid decline of on-premises deployments.

A tool that supports integrations

CRM works at its best when business owners integrate with other tools such as helpdesk software, billing software, marketing automation tools, etc. Unlike spreadsheets and email, CRMs allows swifts collaboration and most importantly, in a real-time manner. At Wan Rui Technology Pte. Ltd., our software can be used across multiple channels, including email, social media, and messaging platforms. This means that businesses can reach customers wherever they are, making it easier to communicate with them and build stronger relationships.

Desk’s main tab & on-the-go

CRMs are mainly web-based applications. They’re still develop primarily for desktops and laptops, but now they’re also optimized for mobile. Most CRM software are available as mobile apps on Android and iOS.


Accelerate conversions

The CRM software becomes a single source of truth for every member of the team. No information gaps, no back-and-forth—the customer hears a consistent voice from your business.

Minimized data entry

CRM lets you automate mundane tasks like creating contacts from signup forms and sending welcome emails to new prospects. Spreadsheets demand data entry; CRMs minimize the rigid tasks and saves time.

Enhanced customers experience

From lead to customer, their entire journey is captured in the CRM. This allows business owners in a better position to recognize people and personalize their engagement with targeted campaigns and messaging.

Gauging marketing impact

The CRM analyses the effectiveness of the marketing campaigns and provides high-level and detailed reports that let you take smart decisions. It also tracks and attributes revenue to the right source.

Induces collaboration = a strong business

Being the central location for customer data, the CRM enables the sales and marketing teams to plan their strategy and provide seamless experiences that grow your business.

Higher revenue

Since you have a well-rounded view of the customers at all times, business owners can cross-sell and up-sell at the right moments, with higher success rates. This also reduces the chances of churn rate, a lesser attrition from the customers.

CRM is essential for businesses looking to thrive in today's highly competitive market. By providing personalized customer experiences, improving customer satisfaction, enhancing marketing efforts, managing sales pipelines effectively, and making data-driven decisions, businesses can achieve their goals and grow their business. With a powerful and flexible CRM system, businesses can improve their customer relationships, build loyalty, and increase revenue.

In conclusion, a good CRM service offers an affordable, powerful, and flexible solution for businesses looking to manage their customer relationships more effectively. CRM' s a crucial aspect of any business that interacts with customers. It involves managing the entire customer lifecycle, including acquiring new customers, maintaining existing relationships, and retaining loyal customers. In today's highly competitive market, businesses cannot afford to ignore the importance of CRM. Queries? just approach us to find out more.

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